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Stone/Mineral Pendant of the 7 Chakras and Rock Crystal

REF: 7772146

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Stone/Mineral Pendant of the 7 Chakras and Rock Crystal

7 Chakras:

Chakras, or chakras, are energy centers that represent different aspects of our bodily, mental, emotional and energetic nature. Although there are several of these energy centers spread throughout our body, there are seven main ones (counted from bottom to top), each of which is connected to an instance of our life.

rock crystal

Rock Crystal – Balance

Color: Transparent

Affinity with the signs: All

It creates a clear path of meeting between Ying and Yang, placing a perfect balance between the energies of the Earth. It strengthens the bonds of friendship, recognizing the natural aspects of each one, strengthening the spirit of generosity.

Associate number: 9

Muldhara – Root

It relates to instinct, safety, survival and basic human potential. color red

Associated Mineral: Red Jasper.

Swadhisthana – Sacrum

It relates to sexuality and creativity. Ability to give and receive love. Orange color.

Associated mineral: Carneola

Manipura – Solar Plexus

It relates to energy, assimilation and digestion. It boosts initiatives and talent. Yellow color

Associated Mineral: Yellow Jasper.

Anahata – Heart

It relates to emotion, compassion, love, balance and well-being. Green color

Associated Mineral: Green Aventurine.

Vishuddha – Throat

This chakra is related to communication and rebirthing; growth being the only form of expression. Blue color

Associated mineral: Sodalite.

Ajna – Third eye

It is the chakra of time, perception and light. indigo color

Associated Mineral: Amethyst.

Sahasrara – Corona

Sense chakra, the master chakra that controls others. Violet color

Associated mineral: Quartz crystal.

Main functions of the chakras:

Revitalize each aural and energetic body and with it the physical body.
Provoking the development of different aspects of self-awareness, as each chakra is related to a specific psychological function.
Transmit energy between aural levels as each progressive layer exists in ever-increasing frequency octaves.

Crystal Points:

The name of quartz comes from the Greek word “Kristallos” which means ice. For a long time it was believed that the crystal was water or solidified ice. Because of its connection with water, it was used, and is still used today, to magically attract rain in many parts of the Pacific. Nowadays, many people use crystals to treat and improve their health, as it helps with vertigo and bleeding, it also favors spiritual well-being, concentration, and mental visualization. Increases the power of other crystals. It has tones, sounds, vibrations and energies that give protection from all negativity. Balances and harmonizes the aura of the body. And the seventh chakra, Sahasrara – Corona, is the sense chakra, the master who controls all the others.

Rock crystal is a mineral that regulates healing energy, eliminates static electricity and protects against radiation.

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