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Santa Eufémia Little Drops of Water

Santa Eufémia Little Drops of Water

SKU: REF: 18194

Regular price 11,99 €
Regular price Sale price 11,99 €
Entrega prevista em 48h (dias úteis, Portugal Continental).
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Patroness of the skin.

Little Drops of Water figurines are unique pieces that transform an ordinary place into a unique place. They are ideal to offer to that special person or to pamper yourself and make your own collection.


Eufemia was born around the year 288, into a Christian family, in Chalcedonia, present-day Turkey.

At that time, the Roman Emperor Diocletian persecuted and tortured Christians, but Eufemia never stopped assuming her faith in God. And for that reason she was arrested, tortured on the wheel, and thrown to the lions who, instead of attacking her, protected her. She was then killed with a sword that pierced her heart.

Eufemia became a martyr and her remains were placed in a place where a church would be built in her honor. And it was in this church that a miracle occurred. In 451 AD, at the IV Ecumenical Council and, given the lack of consensus among the 630 representatives of the local Christian churches regarding the nature of Christ, the tomb of Saint Euphemia was opened and two large confessions of faith, on paper, were placed on her chest. . Afterwards, his tomb was sealed and guarded for three days. When the tomb was opened, the text defending the divine and human nature of Christ was in Saint Euphemia's right hand, and the text defending only the divine nature of Christ (Monophysite heresy) was at her feet. In the face of this miracle, the dual nature of Christ was affirmed.

The remains of Saint Euphemia had to be moved several times until, in the year 800, her sarcophagus appeared on the coast of present-day Croatia. His body remains intact and is venerated by thousands of faithful in the cathedral in the city of Rovinj. Her feast day is September 16th.

Dimensions: 5.3x3.8x8cm

Material: Hand-painted resin product, designed in Portugal.

Attention: Decoration item. It's not a toy!


Santa Eufémia Little Drops of Water


Little Drops Of Water




Produto em resina pintado à mão, desenhado em Portugal.


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